In order to get Unlock Code you will need to enter required information in form below and click "Request Unlock Code" button. All fields are mandatory.
When you purchase our Product(s) directly from our on-line Store or from our Resellers, you will receive License Number like this: CSL#123456789ABCDE.
Both Word2TeX and TeX2Word require Unlock Code for fully-featured operation.
You can't purchase Unlock Code from reseller and it is not included in boxed versions of our Products. The only way and place to get Unlock Code(s) for our Product(s) is this page. Unlock Code is linked to particular computer and can't be used on other computers.
MACHINEID is unique computer identifier. MACHINEID which corresponds to your computer is displayed by all our Products and their Setup programs.
Word2TeX 5.x and later, TeX2Word 3.x and later
Word2TeX 4.x, TeX2Word 2.5
Word2TeX 3.x, TeX2Word 2.0